Cities with higher populations of immigrants do better in the municipal bond market than cities that do not. Three of the top municipal bond funds feature California and New York, states with cities that have 5 of the top six highest immigration populations. We at TORC believe there is a correllary (not necessarily causal) effect, but one which is worth examining even as an indicator. And here are the reasons we believe this is so.
1 - Cheap labor: It's the dirty secret of American history that we may not have come so far so fast if not for the whole slavery thing. Could you imagine if this country had unions in the nineteenth century? I'm pro-union, but let's face it, if you're building a nation the first thing you want to do is increase your exports cheaply and fill your coiffures. One of the first things Hitler did to increase productivity was break the unions. Immigrants who come here will work for less and suffer longer hours which creates more wealth for companies. Yes, it's disgusting, but when you're playing the muni bond market, the games the game.
A petri dish of superhumans! |
3 - If you can't breed them, buy them: The entire American economy is based upon one simple fact: if people stop buying, we die. Remember 9/11? The message wasn't "Loose Lips Sink Ships" or "Buy Bonds", it was "For the love of God, buy something! Anything!" America needs to repopulate its consumers and currently the industrialized nations of the world are not keeping up with replenishing. We're lucky because we can just turn on the immigration faucet and repopulate whenever we want to! This in turn creates a functioning economy and those cities that have immigrant populations, see the benefits of that first.
So go out and hug an immigrant! Make a baby with one and enjoy their economic and carnal fruits!